August 31, 2021

Ammonite and Trilobite

Toby and Alison are back with another awesome episode of their podcast! 🔥 This week involves egg bribery, how eggciting...
Remember when you were in Mt. Moon, and you beat the Super Nerd and he offered you a fossil of either Omanyte or Kabuto, and you took that fossil to Cinnabar Island and (not everyone played Gen 1 Pokemon games, wrap it up - Ed.)

Long story short; today’s new Trilobite and Ammonite combo cards are kind of like that, except you get BOTH in one pack, and you don’t have to drag them across the country to get them to work!

August 31, 2021

Ammonite and Trilobite

Toby and Alison are back with another awesome episode of their podcast! 🔥 This week involves egg bribery, how eggciting...
Remember when you were in Mt. Moon, and you beat the Super Nerd and he offered you a fossil of either Omanyte or Kabuto, and you took that fossil to Cinnabar Island and (not everyone played Gen 1 Pokemon games, wrap it up - Ed.)

Long story short; today’s new Trilobite and Ammonite combo cards are kind of like that, except you get BOTH in one pack, and you don’t have to drag them across the country to get them to work!