June 4, 2022

Day 6: Sloth

tbh can’t be massively bothered today. there’s a chubby night monkey at 17:00 utc, we love it, sure you’ll love it too. it’s really cute.

Seriously though, we should probably hold our hands up and apologize for all the cards that we’ve referenced over the years that never came to exist. Like Paper Nautilus’s reference to the Argo or Nüwa’s combo with Fuxi. That was lazy of us, and to celebrate Sloth day - we’re making changes. 

All five of those cards are now (finally!) in the game, and available in the Spring Clean packs at 9:00 UTC, which give you either a 10% chance at or Guaranteed NEW Limited Rare or Higher.

For reference, here’s what we have:

Fuxi, to claim the +20 Power from Nüwa,

Enceladus, to claim the +15 Power from Dione,

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to claim the +15 Power from Magna Carta,

The Argo to claim Paper Nautilus’ -3 Energy cost, and

Ma’at to claim Maat Mon’s +28 Power. 

(Obviously, all with their cool new abilities too!)

June 4, 2022

Day 6: Sloth

tbh can’t be massively bothered today. there’s a chubby night monkey at 17:00 utc, we love it, sure you’ll love it too. it’s really cute.

Seriously though, we should probably hold our hands up and apologize for all the cards that we’ve referenced over the years that never came to exist. Like Paper Nautilus’s reference to the Argo or Nüwa’s combo with Fuxi. That was lazy of us, and to celebrate Sloth day - we’re making changes. 

All five of those cards are now (finally!) in the game, and available in the Spring Clean packs at 9:00 UTC, which give you either a 10% chance at or Guaranteed NEW Limited Rare or Higher.

For reference, here’s what we have:

Fuxi, to claim the +20 Power from Nüwa,

Enceladus, to claim the +15 Power from Dione,

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to claim the +15 Power from Magna Carta,

The Argo to claim Paper Nautilus’ -3 Energy cost, and

Ma’at to claim Maat Mon’s +28 Power. 

(Obviously, all with their cool new abilities too!)