April 9, 2022

Gaze into the Future


As our Fortune Cookie week nears its end, we hope you’ve had your fair share of good luck. Today, we gaze into our Crystal Ball and see a strong buff to Tarot cards. Out at 17:00 UTC in today’s great value State of the Art pack.

Also a new Fusion card arrives in the shape of The Zodiac - which gets Power from as many Zodiac cards as you dare to build into your deck. And at midnight UTC Red Deer joins the Mammals pack, bringing plenty of power as long as it’s played opposite an empty slot.

April 9, 2022

Gaze into the Future


As our Fortune Cookie week nears its end, we hope you’ve had your fair share of good luck. Today, we gaze into our Crystal Ball and see a strong buff to Tarot cards. Out at 17:00 UTC in today’s great value State of the Art pack.

Also a new Fusion card arrives in the shape of The Zodiac - which gets Power from as many Zodiac cards as you dare to build into your deck. And at midnight UTC Red Deer joins the Mammals pack, bringing plenty of power as long as it’s played opposite an empty slot.