April 22, 2024

Hunt for the Dover Demon! - SIGHTING ONE!

Calling all eager cryptid hunters! The elusive Dover Demon has appeared in the CUEniverse! This strange alien-like creature with huge eyes, long fingers and the inability to stand still long enough for anyone to get a clear photograph is on the loose!

Throughout this week, we’ll be following reports of the cryptid and deciphering the clues in order to craft, erm, we mean CAPTURE, the strange beast.

Your first 3 clues can be found in the following report on the creature’s possible alien origins:

Some have said that it fell from its spaceship in 1986 although we’re almost certain that was some other rock hurtling through space and not actually a spaceship. Although another rumour claims its mothership will return in 2061.

Other reports have claimed that it cannot ever return to where it came from as its home galaxy escaped and cannot be found.

And finally, while some thought that they heard the creatures strange electronic cries on the day it landed on our planet. However, it seems that was just a really nerdy music student testing out some new musical apparatus.

All that being said, we’re not even sure if the creature is of alien origin so this could all be rubbish!

Come back tomorrow, cryptid hunters as we continue our search for the Dover Demon!


If you are new to our special Crafted cards, don’t fear! Here are some handy hints to help you out:

  • Crafted cards are made of 9 ingredients - these are cards that are already in game but you have to work out which ones!
  • Clues will be spread out over the following 3 days, finishing on Wednesday!
  • The crafting recipe consists of 7 Common cards and 2 Rares. These include Basic and Fusion ingredients but NEVER Limited cards.
  • Our lovely Discord community is always on hand to help so we recommend popping in there and making some new pals!
April 22, 2024

Hunt for the Dover Demon! - SIGHTING ONE!

Calling all eager cryptid hunters! The elusive Dover Demon has appeared in the CUEniverse! This strange alien-like creature with huge eyes, long fingers and the inability to stand still long enough for anyone to get a clear photograph is on the loose!

Throughout this week, we’ll be following reports of the cryptid and deciphering the clues in order to craft, erm, we mean CAPTURE, the strange beast.

Your first 3 clues can be found in the following report on the creature’s possible alien origins:

Some have said that it fell from its spaceship in 1986 although we’re almost certain that was some other rock hurtling through space and not actually a spaceship. Although another rumour claims its mothership will return in 2061.

Other reports have claimed that it cannot ever return to where it came from as its home galaxy escaped and cannot be found.

And finally, while some thought that they heard the creatures strange electronic cries on the day it landed on our planet. However, it seems that was just a really nerdy music student testing out some new musical apparatus.

All that being said, we’re not even sure if the creature is of alien origin so this could all be rubbish!

Come back tomorrow, cryptid hunters as we continue our search for the Dover Demon!


If you are new to our special Crafted cards, don’t fear! Here are some handy hints to help you out:

  • Crafted cards are made of 9 ingredients - these are cards that are already in game but you have to work out which ones!
  • Clues will be spread out over the following 3 days, finishing on Wednesday!
  • The crafting recipe consists of 7 Common cards and 2 Rares. These include Basic and Fusion ingredients but NEVER Limited cards.
  • Our lovely Discord community is always on hand to help so we recommend popping in there and making some new pals!