August 7, 2021

La Isla de las Muñecas

In the 60s, Julián Santana Barrera covered his island - La Isla de las Muñecas - in dolls to help chase away the spirit of a girl who drowned there years ago.

This was probably successful: no sane spirit would want to be anywhere near this horror-movie set.

Ghosts or no ghosts, in 2001, Barrera died of a heart attack not far from the spot where the girl drowned.

Creepy evidence of supernatural forces at work? Or statistically inevitable as he spent most of his time there? YOU DECIDE.

Elsewhere… Atlas V joins our 
Radical Rockets collection.

Atlas V is famous for its launch vehicle using a standard common core booster, with up to five solid rocket boosters and a Centaur upper stage.

We have a feeling that it might work well with centaurs.

August 7, 2021

La Isla de las Muñecas

In the 60s, Julián Santana Barrera covered his island - La Isla de las Muñecas - in dolls to help chase away the spirit of a girl who drowned there years ago.

This was probably successful: no sane spirit would want to be anywhere near this horror-movie set.

Ghosts or no ghosts, in 2001, Barrera died of a heart attack not far from the spot where the girl drowned.

Creepy evidence of supernatural forces at work? Or statistically inevitable as he spent most of his time there? YOU DECIDE.

Elsewhere… Atlas V joins our 
Radical Rockets collection.

Atlas V is famous for its launch vehicle using a standard common core booster, with up to five solid rocket boosters and a Centaur upper stage.

We have a feeling that it might work well with centaurs.