June 21, 2021

Leagues have changed


We’ve made some changes to leagues, in response to two common criticisms. 

Criticism #1 : Time Available > Skill If a player puts enough time into the game, they will climb up the ranks. Granted, it’s easier if you’ve built a savvy deck and know how to play it. And with no skill it’s going to be very hard to reach the top tier. But the point stands - leagues lack credibility if time is a more important factor than talent. 

Criticism #2 : Dude, all I did was sleep… Our dynamic League Reward ranks were intended to make sure that there was always a similar distribution of rewards. And in that respect they’ve worked pretty well. What’s not so good is that a player can reach a rank, realise that they have work the next day, and while they’re getting their beauty sleep they find they’ve dropped a tier again.

And SO - We’re proposing three pretty fundamental changes: 

Change #1 : Losing Trophies. Whether you lose or quit a game now you will lose trophies. So ranking up in leagues can’t be won via ‘brute force’. Skill > Time Available. (Please read on before freaking out…)

Change #2 : Fixed Ranks. No moving the goalposts - you’ll know from the start of a league what each Rank’s target trophies are, and if everyone gets to the top Rank target, then everyone wins that reward. And our League Economy Manager* gets fired.

Change #3 : Ratcheted Ranks. When you go up a League Rank now you can’t go back down. So for everyone who was about to lose their mind at Change #1, you can calm down now. (Of course there’ll be a ‘reset’ of ranks weekly. Otherwise it would be silly.) And that’s it.

1. So that trophies aren't baffling we are going to move to +1 trophy for a win, and -1 trophy for a loss.
2. You need a small number of trophies to move up each rank, but you can’t go back down if you lose.
3. The rewards will be reviewed, and reviewed again. Because in the first league there's a very real possibility of everyone, or no-one, reaching the top tier...
4. Everyone's league position resets each week.
5. We will be watching everything closely and taking notes on your feedback.

June 21, 2021

Leagues have changed


We’ve made some changes to leagues, in response to two common criticisms. 

Criticism #1 : Time Available > Skill If a player puts enough time into the game, they will climb up the ranks. Granted, it’s easier if you’ve built a savvy deck and know how to play it. And with no skill it’s going to be very hard to reach the top tier. But the point stands - leagues lack credibility if time is a more important factor than talent. 

Criticism #2 : Dude, all I did was sleep… Our dynamic League Reward ranks were intended to make sure that there was always a similar distribution of rewards. And in that respect they’ve worked pretty well. What’s not so good is that a player can reach a rank, realise that they have work the next day, and while they’re getting their beauty sleep they find they’ve dropped a tier again.

And SO - We’re proposing three pretty fundamental changes: 

Change #1 : Losing Trophies. Whether you lose or quit a game now you will lose trophies. So ranking up in leagues can’t be won via ‘brute force’. Skill > Time Available. (Please read on before freaking out…)

Change #2 : Fixed Ranks. No moving the goalposts - you’ll know from the start of a league what each Rank’s target trophies are, and if everyone gets to the top Rank target, then everyone wins that reward. And our League Economy Manager* gets fired.

Change #3 : Ratcheted Ranks. When you go up a League Rank now you can’t go back down. So for everyone who was about to lose their mind at Change #1, you can calm down now. (Of course there’ll be a ‘reset’ of ranks weekly. Otherwise it would be silly.) And that’s it.

1. So that trophies aren't baffling we are going to move to +1 trophy for a win, and -1 trophy for a loss.
2. You need a small number of trophies to move up each rank, but you can’t go back down if you lose.
3. The rewards will be reviewed, and reviewed again. Because in the first league there's a very real possibility of everyone, or no-one, reaching the top tier...
4. Everyone's league position resets each week.
5. We will be watching everything closely and taking notes on your feedback.