November 29, 2021

Let The Party Begin!


Welcome to BIRTHDAY WEEK! On Friday, we're turning two years old. The app, I mean, not we, the developers - we're a bit older than that. Although we still have early bedtimes and, in some cases, it's better for everyone if a grown-up cuts up our food for us.

And we're kicking off our celebrations in style by... treating ourselves to thoughts of the ever-encroaching force of age that slowly stalks us all by making a card of one of the oldest man-made things ever discovered. We're doing the "Terrible Twos" a little differently!

Göbekli Tepe, an archaeological site in Turkey that has mystified scholars since its discovery in 1994, is today's new Duality Pack card. What's strange about this one is that it appears to be a temple, but the artefacts inside carbon date back to 12,000 years ago, when humans were supposed to be Neanderthal hunter-gatherers. Did this temple exist before agriculture and writing, or even the wheel?

Whatever the answer, here's something we do know; it'll buff your Mammals and Wonders of Construction cards on a losing turn.

(I'd like to take a moment to address the rumours that a version of this news story went out the claimed this card was the first time ever that the Mammals collection had a card that gave it buffs, when Megaloceros, Gryphon, Lyle's Flying Fox and Sifaka Lemur clearly exist. Our official position on these rumours is "Yes, they are true, that story was posted and it was erroneous and stupid and bad and not good and sorry and don't be mad and sorry again and sorry.")

November 29, 2021

Let The Party Begin!


Welcome to BIRTHDAY WEEK! On Friday, we're turning two years old. The app, I mean, not we, the developers - we're a bit older than that. Although we still have early bedtimes and, in some cases, it's better for everyone if a grown-up cuts up our food for us.

And we're kicking off our celebrations in style by... treating ourselves to thoughts of the ever-encroaching force of age that slowly stalks us all by making a card of one of the oldest man-made things ever discovered. We're doing the "Terrible Twos" a little differently!

Göbekli Tepe, an archaeological site in Turkey that has mystified scholars since its discovery in 1994, is today's new Duality Pack card. What's strange about this one is that it appears to be a temple, but the artefacts inside carbon date back to 12,000 years ago, when humans were supposed to be Neanderthal hunter-gatherers. Did this temple exist before agriculture and writing, or even the wheel?

Whatever the answer, here's something we do know; it'll buff your Mammals and Wonders of Construction cards on a losing turn.

(I'd like to take a moment to address the rumours that a version of this news story went out the claimed this card was the first time ever that the Mammals collection had a card that gave it buffs, when Megaloceros, Gryphon, Lyle's Flying Fox and Sifaka Lemur clearly exist. Our official position on these rumours is "Yes, they are true, that story was posted and it was erroneous and stupid and bad and not good and sorry and don't be mad and sorry again and sorry.")