March 26, 2022

Let Your Heart Guide You...


We’re chock-full of awesome content right now, but we have one more treat for you - a NEW Paleontology collection, to keep you Dino Fans hyped until the scientists drop the next set of Dinosaurs - the Land Before Time!

We’re opening it up with the Chicxulub Crater - it’s the second largest crater on the planet, caused by a giant asteroid measuring over 10 kilometres in diameter which caused a mass extinction event about 66-million years ago. 

It’s a big ol’ card that fits into any Space deck - as it gives the whole album an in-deck buff of +7 Power until played. 

Also, the picture is pretty cool too.

March 26, 2022

Let Your Heart Guide You...


We’re chock-full of awesome content right now, but we have one more treat for you - a NEW Paleontology collection, to keep you Dino Fans hyped until the scientists drop the next set of Dinosaurs - the Land Before Time!

We’re opening it up with the Chicxulub Crater - it’s the second largest crater on the planet, caused by a giant asteroid measuring over 10 kilometres in diameter which caused a mass extinction event about 66-million years ago. 

It’s a big ol’ card that fits into any Space deck - as it gives the whole album an in-deck buff of +7 Power until played. 

Also, the picture is pretty cool too.