March 18, 2023

Staring into the Void

Or staring at our Instagram stories until you work out today’s Crafting clue. Either is good for us.


Bug Update:

Some people might be running into an issue where you can't select a new avatar. If you scroll right down to the bottom of your avatars and then scroll back up again, you should now be able to select a premium one! A proper fix will be on the way shortly but for now that's how you should be able to access them for now. Sorry for any inconvenience!


9:00 UTC

The Fusion Finder and Fusion Frenzy packs are shaking up a storm in the CUE store. With 3 random Fusion ingredients in the Finder and 3 Common ingredients, 2 Rare or better ingredients and 1 Epic or better ingredient in the Frenzy, you’ll have more Fusion cards than you know what to do with!

12:00 UTC

Look every bit the amateur detective with today’s Avatar packs. Don’t be suspicious of the Murder Most Fowl pack with gems and Limited cards from Life on Land, even if it does seem more suspect every time we look at it! Or get your froggy fingers on the case with the Elementary pack, including gems and Limited cards from Arts and Culture. Is this frog detective on the trail of our curious chicken? Who knows?!

It’s that top up time of the month with the March Reloader pack, including coins, gems, Limited cards and instant generators. 

Or, maybe you just want to relive the month gone by with the February Recap. Pick up cards you missed from February, with a chance for cards like the Carl Sagan, Maid Marian and the Ninety-Nines!

17:00 UTC

Now this is a real brain scratcher. In the Space Legendary Finder you might come across the Southern Local Supervoid which is literally a void in space that doesn’t really make much sense! When played, if you have played no Space Oddities cards in this game, give your Space Oddities cards +25 Power permanently.

March 18, 2023

Staring into the Void

Or staring at our Instagram stories until you work out today’s Crafting clue. Either is good for us.


Bug Update:

Some people might be running into an issue where you can't select a new avatar. If you scroll right down to the bottom of your avatars and then scroll back up again, you should now be able to select a premium one! A proper fix will be on the way shortly but for now that's how you should be able to access them for now. Sorry for any inconvenience!


9:00 UTC

The Fusion Finder and Fusion Frenzy packs are shaking up a storm in the CUE store. With 3 random Fusion ingredients in the Finder and 3 Common ingredients, 2 Rare or better ingredients and 1 Epic or better ingredient in the Frenzy, you’ll have more Fusion cards than you know what to do with!

12:00 UTC

Look every bit the amateur detective with today’s Avatar packs. Don’t be suspicious of the Murder Most Fowl pack with gems and Limited cards from Life on Land, even if it does seem more suspect every time we look at it! Or get your froggy fingers on the case with the Elementary pack, including gems and Limited cards from Arts and Culture. Is this frog detective on the trail of our curious chicken? Who knows?!

It’s that top up time of the month with the March Reloader pack, including coins, gems, Limited cards and instant generators. 

Or, maybe you just want to relive the month gone by with the February Recap. Pick up cards you missed from February, with a chance for cards like the Carl Sagan, Maid Marian and the Ninety-Nines!

17:00 UTC

Now this is a real brain scratcher. In the Space Legendary Finder you might come across the Southern Local Supervoid which is literally a void in space that doesn’t really make much sense! When played, if you have played no Space Oddities cards in this game, give your Space Oddities cards +25 Power permanently.