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The Honduran White Bat feasts all day on fermented berries; these bats are blind drunk basically all of the time

Honduran White Bat

The Honduran White Bat feasts all day on fermented berries; these bats are blind drunk basically all of the time

Need a designated driver? The Honduran White Bat should be your last choice. Since they feast all day on fermented berries, these bats are blind drunk basically all of the time – we’re talking several times over the legal limit in most countries.

Like their name suggests, this species of bat wears a fluffy white coat, but its face, ears and wings are bright orange. Their cute little noses protrude from their faces, so scientists often refer to the Honduran white bat as the “leaf-nosed bat.”

Across their skulls are a thin black membrane that gives these creatures a natural form of sunscreen to protect against harsh UV rays. Because they may be drunk, but they aren’t about to let sunburn ruin a perfectly good day.

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