According to Japanese folklore, the Ikiryō are souls of still-living people that temporarily leave their bodies to wander.
Great, so now as well as ghosts of the deceased, we have to watch out for spirits of the living! According to Japanese folklore, the Ikiryō are souls of still-living people that temporarily leave their bodies to wander. These spooky doubles appear during intense emotions like near-death experiences, fainting, passion, or rage. They look just like their living counterparts and can be ghostly and translucent or indistinguishable from a real person. The living person usually has no idea their soul is off haunting someone, leading to some pretty eerie encounters.
Ikiryō sightings are often considered omens, and in some Japanese cultures, the fear of Ikiryō is so strong that rituals are sometimes performed to protect against the unintended harm they might cause.