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The story of l’itoi is sacred to Tohono O’odham Indians, and is symbolised by a man at the top of a labyrinth.

When the sky came down and met the earth, l‘itoi, the Elder Brother, was born. When it happened again, a coyote appeared, and then a buzzard. The three fought over supremacy of the earth and although the Elder brother was victorious, he retired to a winding cave at the top of Baboquivari Peak, emerging only when his help was needed.

The story of l’itoi is sacred to Tohono O’odham Indians, and is symbolised by a man at the top of a labyrinth (think Bowie but without the tight trousers and big hair). To this day, many Tohono O’odham walk up Baboquivari Peak once a year to leave a small gift as an offering to l’itoi at the mouth of his cave.

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