Known as “Siamese Fighting Fish” or “labyrinth fish,” the Betta Splenden gets its name from the aggressive tendencies that the males of the species have when it comes to protecting their territory.
Known as “Siamese Fighting Fish” or “labyrinth fish,” the Betta Splenden gets its name from the aggressive tendencies that the males of the species have when it comes to protecting their territory. In the wild, male bettas are devoted fathers who make bubble nests with their mouths to protect their babies from predators. Females are far more peaceful than male bettas, and can even be kept in groups, called a sorority.Siamese Fighting Fish are native to Asia, where they live in the shallow water of marshes, ponds, or slow-moving streams. Having been domesticated for at least 1,000 years, the species now comes in a wide variety of colours and fin-styles, earning them the nickname “designer fish of the aquatic world.”