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No one loves the taste of human flesh more than the Wechuge.

No one* loves the taste of human flesh more than the Wechuge. Born from the dark magic of a human heart consumed by greed or broken taboos, this snow monster from Athabaskan legends is said to be insatiable.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to take photos with the flash on, listen to music made with a stretched string (like a guitar) or you’ve eaten meat with fly eggs in it, you’re at risk of transforming into one of these icy beasts.

To avoid transformation, ditch the flash, avoid certain artists (e.g. Ed Sheeran), and opt for vegetarianism. If you do confront a Wechuge, the lore suggests throwing it on a campfire and keeping it there overnight until it has melted.

*okay, maybe the Wendigo

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